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Students' comments

Here’s what students said about their course experience in 2003./2004.:

  • The course in general:

    "This course was one of the best that I had on faculty. "

    "I was scared at beginning, but now I feel lucky I had been a part of this course. "

    "With respect to that it was the first time for the course, it was excellent! "

    "This course was a very good idea. Hope the next generations of students will enjoy it, too. "

  • About the workload:

    "Another week and I would have died. "

    "Great new experience! "

    "...I found out that it takes a lot of work to make something work as you want it to work. "

    " I learned much more than I expected. I learn lot of team working, good organization of work, time and documentation importance. "

  • The most liked things about the course were:

     "meeting students from a different country."

    "experience gained from working distributed." 

    "team work...You know, during the study we hadn't course like this, and I love it."

  • Wish list for the future:

    "Easier projects, better equipment for distributed work, final grade must not depend only on project results. "

    "Real face-to-face contact for at least one day (~8-10 hours) in ~2-3 week of project. It would provide us with a lot of information about the other side that could be helpful in future contact and way of communication. We still don't know very much about each other. "

    "More guest lecturing..."

    "Start the project earlier so we don't have to spend the Christmas Eve glued to the computer screen. "

    "More lectures about cultural differences and more about project management and team leadership. "

    "Availability of technical resources. "

    " …more video conferences. "

"All in all, DSD course in 2003/2004 was nothing short of a revelatory experience! It was radically different from all other courses undertaken in usual student “lifetime” and closer to the real world even more than everybody wanted to go."


Students' surveys

Results of the anonymous surveys about the success of education in Distributed Software Development course, for the past three years, can be found at:




Overall grade of the course from the student perspective was 4.23 (out of 5) in 2003, 4.53 (out of 5) in 2004. and 4.75 (out of 5) in 2005.