Znanstveni interesi

matematička analiza i primjene, asimptotski razvoji i aproksimacije, specijalne funkcije

Znanstveni radovi

Puni popis: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=296672

Izdvojeni radovi:

  • T. Burić, Improvements of asymptotic approximation formulas for the factorial function, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 13 (2019), 895-904.
  • T. Burić, N. Elezović, Computation and analysis of the asymptotic expansions of the compound means, Appl. Math. Comput. 303 (2017), 48-54.
  • T. Burić, Asymptotic analysis of the iterative power means, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 433 (2016), 701-705
  • T. Burić, N. Elezović, Asymptotic expansions of the binomial coefficients, J. Appl. Math. Comp. 46 (2014), 135-145.
  • T. Burić, N. Elezović, Approximants of the Euler-Mascheroni constant and harmonic numbers, Appl. Math. Comput. 222 (2013), 604-611
  • T. Burić and N. Elezović, New asymptotic expansions of the gamma function and improvements of Stirling's type formulas, J. Comput. Anal. Appl. 13 (2011), 785-795.
  • T. Burić and N. Elezović, Bernoulli polynomials and asymptotic expansions of the quotient of gamma functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2011), 3315-3331.

Izlaganja na međunarodnim znanstvenim konferencijama i seminarima:

  • New asymptotic expansions and improvements of approximation formulas for the gamma function, Computational Methods and Function Theory, Lublin, Poljska, srpanj 2017.
  • Asymptotic analysis of the iterative means, 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, lipanj 2016.
  • Asymptotic analysis of the iterative means, Seminar for Pure Mathematics, University of Queensland, Australia, veljača 2016.
  • Asymptotic formulas for the binomial coefficients and the Catalan numbers, 39. Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, University of Queensland, Australia, prosinac 2015.
  • Asymptotic expansions for the gamma and related functions, Seminar for Pure Mathematics, University of Queensland, Australia, rujan 2015.
  • Asymptotic expansions of the iterative means and related inequalities, International Conference on Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Trogir, Croatia, lipanj 2014.
  • Asymptotic expansions of the multiple quotients of the gamma functions with applications, International Conference on Mathematical Inequalities and Nonlinear Functional Analysis with Applications, Jinju, Korea, srpanj 2012.
  • Asymptotic expansions of the multiple quotients of the gamma functions, 5th Croatian Mathematical CongressRijeka, Croatia, svibanj 2012.
  • Some completely monotonic functions related to the psi function, International Conference on Mathematical Inequalities and ApplicationsLahore, Pakistan, ožujak 2010.

Znanstveni projekti:

  • 2015. - 2016. Special functions theory, ARC projekt, Australia, uloga: suradnik
  • 2014. - 2018. Nejednakosti i primjene, HRZZ projekt, uloga: suradnik
  • 2007. - 2013. Ocjene suma, integrala i integralnih transformacija, MZOŠ projekt, uloga: suradnik

Ostale znanstvene aktivnosti:

  • Ožujak 2015. - danas: Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities